Posted 1st June 2024
Posted 6 months ago
By julianbellwebsite
How to run a mock election
Get your students engaged in politics by running a mock election.
How does debating actually work? The posts here tell you about the two main formats of debating used in the UK (Mace and British Parliamentary), how to choose motions, how to judge a debate - and how to set up a debating club in your school.
Get your students engaged in politics by running a mock election.
How do you create debate motions that are interesting, engaging and that work?
How do you judge a debate in a way that is fair and accurate, and also enables you to give helpful feedback to debaters?
Want to set up a debating club in your school? Here's how.
Do you want to start debating, but don't know what to do? Written with authority, passion and wisdom, it will tell you everything you ever need to know about debating.
Buy Now
Do you want to be a better debater? Then you need to ... Think Like A Debater. Think Like A Debater covers all the major debate topics. Reading it and using it will make you a better debater and a better citizen.
Buy now