Debating can be broken down into key skills which you can practise and improve. Here are those skills, explained for you simply and clearly.

Opportunity cost

Opportunity cost

You can't do everything you want, so how do you choose what to do?

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The judo move

The judo move

How to use your opponent's strength against them.

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How to stop the other side's arguments before they make them.

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How to show that your values matter more than the other side's values.

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World building

World building

How building an imaginary world can help your case.

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Own goals

Own goals

What should you do if you accidentally help the other side?

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Circular arguments

Circular arguments

Why repetition doesn't work in debate, and how to avoid it.

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How samples can help you sell your ideas.

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How to make unplanned impacts work for you.

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How comparing one thing to another can help you explain your case.

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Devil's advocate

Devil's advocate

How attacking your own arguments can make them stronger.

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Down the rabbit hole

Down the rabbit hole

How to avoid distraction and keep focused on the key points of a debate.

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