What Debating For Everyone can offer
- Debating training for students.
- All levels and ages catered for, from an introduction to the basic skills to more advanced and challenging training.
- Can be offered as a one day workshop, or as part of a more extended training programme over the whole school year.
- Setting up and running internal debating competitions either within schools or involving several schools.
- Training in public speaking skills for students or adults, either individually or in groups.
- CPD for staff leading debating, showing them how to set up and run a debating club and establish a debating culture in their school.
- Whole staff CPD on how to use debating within the curriculum.
- Whole staff CPD on oracy within the curriculum.
All of the above can be offered either online or in person

About Julian Bell
From 2000 to 2021 Julian Bell was Head of English and Debating at Godolphin and Latymer School in London. In September 2021 he retired from teaching to devote himself full time to his passion for debating. He offers training in debating to students in prep, primary and secondary schools both in person and online across the UK, and overseas, including schools in Spain and the USA. He also runs a number of debating competitions both online and in person. He is the author of The Debating Book: everything you ever need to know about debating.
The Debating Book
Do you want to start debating, but don't know what to do? Written with authority, passion and wisdom, it will tell you everything you ever need to know about debating.
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Think Like A Debater
Do you want to be a better debater? Then you need to ... Think Like A Debater. Think Like A Debater covers all the major debate topics. Reading it and using it will make you a better debater and a better citizen.
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