When they go low, we go high
When they go low, we go high

The title of When They Go Low, We Go High comes from Michelle Obama's response to abusive or divisive rhetoric, and makes an admirable mantra for any debater. The author, Philip Collins, used to be a speechwriter for Tony Blair, who was UK Prime Minister 1997 - 2007, winning three General Elections, so he knows a thing or two about how to persuade.

Collins takes a selection of some of the great speeches of history, from Pericles in Ancient Greece to Barack Obama in the twenty-first century, and gives us a detailed analysis of how they work, breaking down their techniques in forensic detail. He's not afraid to give examples of how rhetorical techniques can be misused; Adolf Hitler is in there. He also has very interesting things to say about how important rhetoric and debate are for a healthy democracy. Highly recommended for any debater, or for anyone who cares about the future of democracy.